Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Episode 7: Unscripted

This episode I'm pushed for time - and under prepared. You get to hear the rawest uncut episode yet, with minimal editing.

More of the regular shit, peppered with a little bit of humor here and there.

The Pat Gaik (Direct) download:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Episode 6: Swollen Appendages

In this episode I invite (F)reddie to share his Desert Island Playlist with the class, I have emails and voicemails (including another story from Anelle Blacklady) and bitch and moan about various other topics and subjects...

The "Patrick Gaik" Download:

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Episode 5: Zippylock Bag

This episode I talk about:

Bobby Kennedy, My Wishlist, Lindsay Lohan, The Bronx, The Best Hamburger in New York and Sarah Palin.

I talk about a new upcoming segment, introduce a new one "These Are The Things That make Me Mad" and...I receive another voicemail from "Annelle Blacklady"

Direct Download:

Listener line: 206 350 5886

Friday, September 5, 2008

Episode 4: Dissin' The Dolly

Another cacophony of noise and overproduced segments.

Direct Download: