Friday, November 28, 2008

Episode 14: "Al-u-min-ium"

A few friendly shoutouts and some other hot stuff.


[LaLa] Lauren said...

The song in the beginning of the show made me touch myself inappropriately. Can we just play '80s music at our wedding?

You said "bot'le" and I think it was on purpose.

Your Big Fatty impression sounded like Anelle Blacklady a few times.

I'm really glad my name isn't Clarice, you're already creepy enough when you talk to me.

Pat Gaik said...

My GOD! I know you said that was the best blowjob you ever had, but there was no need to go to THAT extreme on the show...

(F)redddy said...

By the time I played this Larry's boycott was over!

So, your "private joke" between you and Eric was all about me, wasn't it? Fucker.

Brilliant as always Johnny.